Your luggage storage solution in Rome!

Terms and conditions


The services provided by BagSafe, a subsidiary of Mara2023 S.r.l., are governed by the “Terms & Conditions of Service.”

These “Terms and Conditions of Service” set by BagSafe and Mara2023 S.r.l. are considered an integral part of each storage and service contract with the customer and cannot be separated from it.


The following definitions apply to the “Terms and Conditions of Service” governing the storage and service contracts with the customer: “We,” “us,” “our,” and “staff in charge” refer to Mara2023 S.r.l. and its partners and associates. “Customer/s,” “you,” and “your” refer to the customer holding a storage receipt.


By using the services of Mara2023 S.r.l., owner of the brand “BagSafe” and the website, for storage and any other services, you enter into a contract with the company. By leaving your luggage in our storage facilities, you accept the terms and conditions outlined in the storage contract and/or any other service contracts, whether or not you have signed a storage receipt.

These terms and conditions apply to our employees, directors, and agents. They may only be amended in writing by one of our authorized executives. If you provide us with oral or written instructions that conflict with these terms and conditions and are not authorized and approved by us in writing, we will not be bound by such instructions.


The luggage storage service involves storing your luggage/items at our facility (automatic lockers) for the period indicated on your receipt, starting from the time and date of delivery of the luggage/item(s) to the estimated time and date of pickup specified on the receipt.

Customer waives the right to withdraw from the transaction due to the specificity of the service and the reservation is non-refundable.

The reservation email/receipt sent by Mara2023 S.r.l. constitutes the reservation.

Location are open seven days a week, Business hours can be checked on the website.

Animals are not allowed in lockers or on the premises.

All locations are completely non-smoking.

Access is restricted to persons over 18 or minors accompanied by an adult.

Storage of perishable food items is not allowed.

Maximum weight limit per locker is 35 KG.

Customer is responsible for checking the size and weight of their luggage before making a reservation. No claims or refunds will be accepted if the luggage exceeds the dimensions or weight.

Customer must ensure that the locker door is securely closed and their luggage is locked and identified before leaving the Mara2023 S.r.l. location.

Customer assumes responsibility for their luggage and contents, including valuables. Mara2023 S.r.l. declines liability for any valuables left in the luggage.

Customer must ensure that their luggage is free of animals and that nothing is left inside the locker when leaving the Bagsafe location for the last time.

The customer is responsible for their luggage and the items inside it.

It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that they do not leave any important documents, such as identification or travel documents, in the locker. The Customer must take all necessary precautions to confirm that they have not forgotten these items. In the event that the Customer is found to have been negligent, Mara2023 S.r.l. will not be held liable.


In case of late withdrawal of luggage during business hours, Mara2023 S.r.l. will impose an additional charge of 50% for each hour delayed, on top of the regular hourly rental cost. Once payment is completed, the Customer will be able to retrieve their luggage.

If withdrawal does not take place before the store closing time, but will occur on the following day (or days), Mara2023 S.r.l. will impose an additional charge of 50% for each day delayed, in addition to the regular daily rental cost. Once payment is completed, the Customer will be able to retrieve their luggage.


In case of forgotten or found luggage, it will be destroyed 5 days after the end of the reservation for security reasons. If the Customer requests to have the forgotten item forwarded, they will need to pay the fee of €35 plus the shipping costs, which will depend on the weight, destination, and shipping method (such as ordinary post or UPS). These costs must be paid in advance.


The customer must provide a storage receipt for every item stored. This receipt is a crucial part of the General Terms and Conditions of Service, and will be provided for free by MARA2023 S.r.l. or their representative. The customer must fill out the receipt in full, including their signature (for items stored with staff), and indicating their acceptance of the terms of service. The receipt must be legible and clearly written. For the storage lockers, the customer must check the box “I accept all terms and conditions” during the  reservation or at the time of on-site purchase. A copy of the receipt will be sent to the customer’s email.


Goods that are prohibited by law or deemed hazardous under national regulations, as well as items that can cause harm to people, the environment, or other luggage due to their nature or packaging, are not allowed for storage. Mara 2023 S.r.l. reserves the right to not accept or provide services for any goods that it deems hazardous.

Mara 2023 S.r.l. does not allow storage for the following items: live or dead plants and animals, securities and negotiable certificates (bills of lading, currency, paper money, coins, credit cards, and traveler’s checks), non-negotiable securities, material that is considered pornographic or offensive, weapons (firearms and bladed weapons), high-value information-containing software, technology (iPhones, iPads, tablets, PCs, smartphones), garbage, political material, hazardous materials, narcotic or psychotropic drugs, art objects, antiques, metals (gold, silver in any form, and precious stones), bulky items, documents (tender offers, securities, food stamps, fuel coupons, etc.), architectural models, and watches.

The following items can only be accepted by Mara 2023 S.r.l. with written specific authorization or if they are explicitly part of Mara 2023 S.r.l.’s commercial offer: food and pharmaceutical products, cigarettes and alcohol, fragile objects (such as glass, bottles, etc.), and biological tissues and anatomical pieces.

It is acknowledged and understood that the storage of these items is subject to specific regulations, and thus, the assignment must comply with the relevant laws and any operational instructions provided by Mara 2023 S.r.l., which may be subject to change at any time.


The customer acknowledges and agrees that Mara 2023 S.r.l. and/or any governmental authority have the right to inspect the luggage at any time for security purposes.


The customer warrants, represents, and guarantees to Mara 2023 S.r.l.:

(A) The customer’s full address and contact information have been correctly recorded on the storage receipt or online form;

(B) The contents of the baggage do not cause damage to any other luggage stored by Mara 2023 S.r.l.;

(C) The contents of the baggage are not prohibited items, and the customer is not a person or organization with whom Mara 2023 S.r.l. is not legally allowed to trade under any relevant laws or regulations;

(D) All applicable laws and regulations have been followed, in addition to the provisions of this contract;

(E) The economic value of each piece of luggage, including its contents, does not exceed €1,000.

The customer agrees to compensate Mara 2023 S.r.l. and exempt it from any liability, costs, damages, expenses, including legal costs, incurred by Mara 2023 S.r.l. either to the customer or to any third parties, due to the customer’s breach of any of these warranties, obligations, and guarantees, even if Mara 2023 S.r.l. mistakenly accepts storage that contravenes the customer’s obligations.


The extent of Mara 2023 S.r.l.’s liability for loss or damage to your bags during storage will be governed by articles 1768 and 1770 of the Civil Code and cannot exceed the amount of €500 per bag covered by the insurance described in paragraph 10 of these terms and conditions. In case of delayed or uncollected bags beyond Mara 2023 S.r.l.’s operating hours, Mara 2023 S.r.l. will not be held liable. Mara 2023 S.r.l. will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damages that are a predictable result of the delay or failure to collect the bags.

Mara 2023 S.r.l. will not be held responsible for any missed flights, trains, or loss of profits, market, reputation, customers, use, or opportunities, even if they had prior knowledge of such losses or damages. Additionally, they will not be held responsible for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, including but not limited to contract termination, negligence, wilful misconduct, or default. Mara 2023 S.r.l. will not be held liable if they cannot fulfill their obligations to you due to circumstances beyond their control such as natural disasters, force majeure events, criminal acts, acts or omissions by you or third parties, or prohibited items. They are not responsible for broken handles or wheels. The extent of their liability for damage to your bags during storage will be limited by the provisions of the Civil Code and the insurance described in the terms and conditions.


Each piece of luggage stored at our company’s premises is insured by Helvetia S.p.a. up to a maximum value of EUR 500.00 per item. This insurance will compensate the customer for any damages or losses directly caused by MARA 2023 S.r.l. within the above limit, as well as in the case of verified theft by third parties.

This insurance does not cover items such as precious stones, precious metals, watches, plasma screens, LCDs, GPS systems, mobile phones, computers, tablets, jewelry, money, glassware, china, art objects, antiques, documents, film, tapes, discs, memory cards, or any other media containing data or images. The insurance does not cover indirect losses, delayed deliveries, or losses caused by a breach of the customer’s obligations under these terms and conditions, and it is not available for services that do not involve transportation. The insurance does not cover the breakage of handles and/or wheels.

All of our facilities are equipped with alarm systems connected to local authorities and private security, as well as 24-hour video surveillance connected to a central control and private security.

For more information on the insurance coverage and conditions, please visit our website.


If you have a complaint regarding lost or damaged luggage, or any other issue, you must follow the applicable national laws. After you sign the slip for unchecked items when collecting your luggage, you can send your written complaint within 8 calendar days of receiving your luggage. After your initial written communication, you must provide documentation to support your complaint by providing us with relevant information regarding the loss or damage. We are not obligated to address your complaint until all storage charges and fees have been paid. You cannot deduct the amount of your claim from what you owe us. To consider a damage claim, the contents of your luggage must be made available for inspection at the time of collection. If we accept all or part of your claim, you must ensure that your insurance company or any other interested third party waives any rights, remedies, or claims they may have through subrogation or otherwise.


Unless otherwise agreed, you agree to pay Mara 2023 S.r.l. the fees for storing your bags and any additional services when you retrieve them, including any transportation-related value-added tax and credit card fees within the agreed payment terms. For the automatic locker service, your credit card will be charged at the time of purchase, either online or on-site. If you don’t contest our invoice in writing within seven (7) days from the date of invoice, you forfeit your right to challenge our invoices. In the event of an unpaid invoice, you agree to pay all reasonable costs incurred by us for collecting payment. Our current storage fees can be found on our website. You are responsible for paying the amount owed to Mara 2023 S.r.l. within the agreed deadline. Invoices must be paid in the currency displayed on the invoice or, if necessary, in the local currency at the exchange rate provided by us. Late payments may result in the application of default interest as per Legislative Decree no. 231/02 and subsequent amendments. Mara 2023 S.r.l. reserves the right to reclaim its credits as provided by law, while reserving the right to claim additional damages.


If any provision of this storage contract with Mara 2023 S.r.l is found to be invalid or unenforceable, it will not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions of the contract. In accordance with applicable rules, any disputes arising from or related to this storage contract will be governed by Italian law.


In the event of a dispute concerning the relationship between the parties, the consumer’s jurisdiction will be exclusively competent as stated in article 33, paragraph 2 of legislative decree number 206/2005 and subsequent amendments.